
“Together In Unity”

As we fellowship and study together during the retreat, we will no doubt discover doctrinal differences and varying theological viewpoints among those attending…and that’s okay! None of us are in the same place in our Biblical understanding and Spiritual journey. Yet, unity of the Holy Spirit is possible when we humbly respect one another in our differences, while keeping our main focus on those things we have in common:

  • Our belief in Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ). [Romans 10:9-10]
  • Our conviction to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength…and to love each other as ourselves. [Mark 12:30-31]
  • Our desire to keep the LORD’s Feast Days, specifically the Sabbath, Passover, and Feast of Unleavened Bread. [Leviticus 23:1-8]

However, there are a few other things we will all need to be on the same page about for the sake of keeping peace and order during the retreat. While some of these things may not be completely in line with your personal beliefs, convictions, and/or traditions, we ask that if you decide to attend the Spring Feast Retreat, that you be willing to respect and adhere to the following while there:


  • We respect and welcome those who keep a different calendar than we do. However, for the sake of unity and scheduling purposes, we have decided to stick with the Calculated Hebrew Calendar for the retreat. We believe days go from sunset to sunset, and that the weekly Sabbath is Friday sunset to Saturday sunset. With that said, our calendar dates for the 2024 Spring Feast Retreat are as follows:
    • April 21 (Sunday): [Passover begins at sunset]
    • April 22 (Monday): Passover [Unleavened Bread begins at sunset]
    • April 23 (Tuesday): First Day of Unleavened Bread
    • April 27 (Saturday): Weekly Sabbath Day
    • April 29 (Monday): Last Day of Unleavened Bread


  • Since we are coming together to celebrate the Festival of Unleavened Bread, we ask that no bread products containing any leavening agents be brought onto the property for the entire duration of the retreat. (This includes all types of leavened breads, biscuits, cakes, pies, cookies, pastries, crackers, etc.) While there may be different convictions on what is considered “leavening agents”, we ask that you be willing to respect the following while at the Spring Feast Retreat.
    • Ingredients we consider to be leavening agents: Sourdough Starter, Baker’s Yeast (Active Dry, Instant Dry, Fresh) Baking Powder, Baking Soda/Sodium Bicarbonate, Potassium Bicarbonate, Baker’s Ammonia/Hartshorn/Ammonium Carbonate, Ammonium Bicarbonate.
    • Ingredients we do NOT consider to be leavening agents: Brewer’s Yeast, Wine, Vinegar, Nutritional Yeast, Yeast Extract, Torula Yeast, Cream of Tartar/Potassium Bitartrate/Potassium Hydrogen Tartrate, Egg Whites, Soda.


  • Type of Service
    • We believe the Passover is a meal. We do not keep the traditional Jewish Seder, but keep a Biblical Passover meal that includes lamb, bitter herb, and unleavened bread as instructed in Exodus 12:8. Children are welcome at the dinner table during the Passover service, and all parents are responsible for deciding what parts of the service their children are (and are not) allowed to participate in.
  • Time of Passover
    • Some who attend the Spring Feast Retreat keep the Passover at the beginning of Nisan 14 (beginning at sunset the night before), while others who attend keep the Passover at the end of Nisan 14 (as the day approaches the sunset going into the First Day of Unleavened Bread). Out of respect for both convictions, we provide a Passover Meal on both evenings. Attendees are welcome to attend and/or participate in either, or both, evening(s).
  • Symbols of the Covenant
    • During both evenings, we will provide the symbols of the Covenant as shown by Yeshua to His disciples during the “Last Supper”. These symbols include (unleavened) bread representing His broken body and wine representing His poured out blood. [Matthew 26:26-28]. We will also provide foot washing for those who would like to participate in the example of humble servitude Yeshua demonstrated to His disciples on that same night [John 13:1-16].
  • There will also be Scripture readings, praise and worship, and fun activities to involve the kids!


  • We want to create an environment where people can praise the LORD as they feel led to…without judgement. We welcome various forms of Biblical praise such as: singing, playing instruments, raising hands, dancing, raising a banner (flags), blowing the shofar, shouting for joy, etc!! Even quietly kneeling and bowing down in reverence and prayer is a Biblical example of praise and worship! So if you are moved to express your praise more outwardly, then go for it!! If you’d rather praise more quietly and reserved, that’s great, too! We just ask that no one judge others for how they praise God, while also being mindful that worship is not about showing an outward display in order to draw attention to ourselves or show off our talents, but is to be a humble and heartfelt offering to the LORD. However you choose to praise the LORD at the retreat, please be respectful to both God and each other as we approach Him during times of worship.
    • PLEASE NOTE: We highly encourage everyone to bring your shofars, musical instruments, flags/banners, and any other weapon of worship you would like to use in your offering of praise during Bible Studies, Sabbath Services, and Worship Nights!! We will also be offering Hebraic Dance classes and Worship Flag classes throughout the Festival!


  • We respect an individual’s preference/conviction for the Names and Titles of God the Father and His Son. Regardless if you prefer to use English, Hebrew, or some other language, we welcome you to freely use whatever Names/Titles you prefer in whatever language/pronunciation you choose. We ask that you also show that same respect to others during the retreat.

General Housekeeping


  • Community Dinners:
    • We will be providing community dinners every evening during the retreat. These meals will include a main course, side dish(es), unleavened bread(s), and drinks. Dietary restrictions of those attending will be considered when planning and preparing these meals so that everyone may partake. It is not required to contribute anything to enjoy these community dinners, however, attendees are encouraged to bring their favorite unleavened desserts to share with everyone.
  • All Other Meals and Snacks:
    • While we will be providing dinner each night, everyone attending is responsible for providing their own breakfasts, lunches, and snacks throughout the Feast. For those who are able, we ask that you also consider bringing a variety of snacks, unleavened treats, drinks, etc., to share with everyone throughout the Festival, as we will have a snack table set up in the main meeting hall for all to enjoy!
      • If needed, there are grocery stores and restaurants within a 30 min drive from the retreat site.
  • Meal Donations:
    • We humbly ask those who are able and have a willing heart, to prayerfully consider making a monetary donation to help pay for the groceries that go into making the community dinners. Your donations will ensure that everyone who attends the retreat is able to enjoy these meals together as a family regardless of individual funds or ability.


  • It takes a lot of manpower to make an event like this happen. So in order for this retreat to run smoothly, we will need all hands on deck! Whether it’s helping out in the kitchen, offering to organize an activity, or just looking for opportunities to lend a helping hand as needs arise, we ask that all abled attendees come to the retreat with a willing heart to serve. As the saying goes, “many hands make light work”.
    • For specific needs of the retreat, we will be sending out a volunteer signup list to registered attendees closer to date.

Read through this entire page and still interesting in coming? Click on the button below to learn more about registration details!

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